Sunday, November 25, 2018

SSU Viking Voices Podcast: Interview with University President John D Keenan

Welcome to the latest edition of Salem State University Viking Voices where we highlight many of the great things going on at this exciting institution and among the alumni community.
John D Keenan, JD
14th president of Salem State University

This episode features our special guest the 14th president of Salem State University, John D. Keenan.

Previously, President Keenan served as general counsel and vice president for administration at Salem State University. He was responsible for the university’s day-to-day operations in support of its academic mission, overseeing human resources and equal opportunity, capital planning and facilities, information technology, risk and asset management, and the university police.

Prior to becoming president of the university, Keenan has had a distinguished career in public service that has included representing the Seventh Essex District in the Massachusetts State Legislature from 2005 to 2014. Even then a strong advocate for Salem State, President Keenan was a leading proponent of gaining university status. He also leveraged his expertise to help fund the recently complete the Sophia Gordon Center for Creative and Performing Arts.

A champion of many social causes, President Keenan voted to preserve marriage equality, address schoolyard bullying, and protect transgendered employees in the work place. He is a resident of Salem along with his wife, Kara McLaughlin, and their two children, Aidan and Erin.

During the recording of this special edition of Salem State Viking Voices, the students of Mary Melilli, MFA, Professor, Media and Communication MCO 235 Multimedia Storytelling class documented the recording session. The recording was made in front of a live audience at Viking Hall the newest of the residence halls at Salem State. This state-of-the-art building is LEED Gold certified, for its energy efficiency and other sustainability features.

    Here is a multimedia version of the podcast featuring photos and videos recorded by the students:

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    End notes:
    I am looking forward to our next conversation.You can join in the conversation by following this blog and checking out the many social media outlets available to our Salem State community. A short list of some of these venues are below.
    Go Vikings!

    Here are some of the places you may find me on social media: